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Authors: Lawania, Krishna Kumar
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: Eathquake is a natural Hazard which results in negative n consequences for. people and/or their property. Some facilities demand greater earthquake resistance than others because of their greater social and/or financial significance. Estimation of • dynamic characteristics of structures by conventional analytical methods is based on certain assumptions particularly about system property which create doubts about accuracy of results and therefore to increase the accuracy, expensive and time consuming tests are performed. In system identification no assumptions are made about the system properties and analysis is based on actual results obtained from one of the dynamic testings. It is a .fairly good alternative of analytical techniques for development of mathmatical model and their validity checking. In this work the data acquired from the seismic qualification testing of a 245- KV SF-6 Circuit Breaker pole has been used for system identification. The data has-been processed before use for (1) removal of mean & treand (2) delays in input & output (3) reduction of frequency band if any (4) to identify possible outliaWs and finally to identify the system for determining its response for any other ground motion.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Basu, S.
Kumar, Ashok
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Earthquake Engg)

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