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Authors: Singh, Vinay Kumar
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: Casting is one of the most widely used metal shaping processes in industries to produce cast components. Casting process is used to produce parts from few grams to several tons, complicated shapes, precision parts etc. in a very economical way. Making a casting free from defect is an important requirement for its strength consideration. Efficient and effective design of riser and gating system plays an important role in the production of defect free casting economically. The optimum designing of riser and gating system have not been fully understood till now. Although, much of the knowledge has been obtained during last few decades, there still exist and inability to integrate the knowledge into a general model. In this work, comprehensively reviews the present knowledge of riser and gating system and its interrelationship with other factors like choke area, pouring time, sprue and pouring basin dimensions, shape and dimension of riser etc. the application of a computer to gating and risering system design is predicated on a logical, ordered approach to the task. A software program is developed to ease the design of riser and gating system for Al-7% Si alloy castings. C language is used to develop the software which can predict the theoretical pouring time, riser and gating system dimensions, check for turbulence, check for aspiration and finally gives the
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Kumar, Pradeep
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (MIED)

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