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Authors: Gebremariam, Gebrmeskel Kahsay
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: The last one decade was the time where countries came from fragmented economy to a very globalized market parallely a drastic change has come on efficient utilization of our dreaded resources by using advanced technologies as well as recent optimization techniques, these, something peculiar in a world where dynamism in every aspect is reached in its zenith forces organizations to stand on alert every minute so that they can be one of the survivors by providing customers requirements in the lowest possible cost and in the right time with the right quality. This dynamic nature of today's economy is touching every corner of every discipline or means directly or indirectly, perhaps, exaggerated effect is seen on manufacturing where a raw material is changed into a final product through machining process than in the others. This process, in spite of, the limitations like it requires time and amount of material waste is still the best process for producing complex parts with good dimensional accuracy. However, the output of this process is more dependent up on the efficiency of the cutting tool than on other things and this will happen when the cutting tool is operated at the proper cutting conditions that are cutting speed and feed. In this thesis work an attempt has been made to find the optimal values of cutting speed and feed that will give best possible cost and shortest possible time for a single pass turning operation on low carbon steel material using carbide tool under a set of practical constraints like maximum permissible feed, power and surface finish using geometric programming optimization technique and a computer program was developed to calculate the optimality. Further more, all remaining parameters are discussed in depth and their optimum values are considered through thorough survey of various literatures.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Kumar, Pradeep
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (MIED)

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