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Authors: Banda, Sene Mamadou Mbath
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: Metal casting constitutes one of the major methods of production out of the stream of manufacturing processes (metal cutting, metal forming, welding etc...). The production of castings has been greatly assisted by the development of their solidification. The quality of the casting depends on a large extent on the way they solidify, which will influence their mechanical and physical characteristics. The models of solidification require knowledge of the heat transfer between the casting and its mould, and the thermophysical properties of the solidifying material. Since solidification affects the properties of castings, it's very valuable to know more about this phenomenon. Historically, solidification problems were solved considering only the energy balance with an isothermal phase change including conduction and convection in the material. Nowadays, with the drastically increase in computational power, the computational modelling in metallurgical processes is becoming more and more attractive as it allows a deeper understanding of the dynamic behind solidification. It's always difficult to carry out any observation inside the mould, this because the mould and the molten metal are opaque, the temperatures very high and the conditions transient and risky. Therefore, a computer simulation is usually the most economical and practical way to get information about what's going on inside a casting set up, and appear to be the only feasible way. Beside these technical and economical considerations, the complexity of the mathematical formalism is another issue when applied to industrial scale solidification problems. The present work is an application of the Finite Element Method for the simulation of the process of solidification of some non-ferrous castings, where focus will be on the determination of the hot spots (points that solidify the last) for betterment in the design of the castings. The first part will deal with some generalities related to the process of casting. Then an outline of the endeavours that sustain the contribution of computer simulation in the field of metal casting will be presented. A presentation of the mathematical formalism of Finite Element Method will be depicted in the second
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Kumar, Pradeep
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (MIED)

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