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Authors: Kishor, Neval
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: When the wheel and rail come into contact under a normal load, the load is • distributed over a small area of contact. The method of calculating the shape and size' is based on the well-known Hertz's theory. When the wheel rolls and simultaneously generates forces tangential to the planeof contact, known as creep forces. Because contact between the two bodies is assumed to occur on a plane, the normal pressure distribution is independent to this tangential force. As a result, for any given material, the dimensions of the contact patch depend only on the load and the curvatures of the wheel- and rail. In this dissertation we have, applied two wheel rail contact theories, Kalker's • linear theory and Heuristic non linear model, to determine the creep forces and compare the results evaluated from these theories. It shows_ that the creep forces determined by Heuristic nonlinear model is more than the -creep force determine from Kalker's linear theory at the same given conditions .So it is better to apply Heuristic • model, which included two non-linearities, for creep forces determination, in order to obtain the better results. S . Next, we have seen that by giving lateral displacement, the creep forces and creep moment vary abruptly, because with lateral displacement the dimensions of the wheel rail profile changes. By increasing the radius of the wheel and rail profiles, the creep forces and creep moment decreases and if we reduce radius of one (wheel/rail) by keeping other fixed, the creep forces increases as shown in the part of flange and rail • contact. The variation of yaw motion does not affect: the longitudinal creep force but lateral creep force and creep moment increase: with the yaw motion. And conicity is not affecting much on creep forces and creep moment, it affects at third digit of decimal, as revealed in the graph.'
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Goel, V. K.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (MIED)

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