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Authors: Pal, Kumar
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: The work presented in this thesis is based on the work carried out at Center for. Explosive and Environmental Safety (CEES), DRDO. For safe handling of explosives and flammable substances, as well as dimensioning explosive protected equipment's and protection systems, it is important to recognize the possible dangers involved to the individual, which through technical safety parameters, are characteristically quantified. There are two sections of this project. Explosion Simulation and Fire Simulation. In first section, there are three modules. The firstmodule is on deciding the categories of explosion, module second is on evaluating the post explosion parameters and finally module third is the simulation of TNT explosion model. In second section the fire model Quientiere/Dillon Fire Model is simulated. This model is zone model capable of predictive the environment in a compartment structure subjected to a fire. A software FireExpro (Explosion and Fire Simulation) has been developed to simulate the above models to observe the behavior of fire and explosion incidents and their effects in the environment. The coding of the FireExpro software has been done using visual C++, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) version 6.0 as shared DLLs and WIN 32 Software Development Kit (SDK) functions for those requirements which are not available through API. A set of comparisons between model and a range of real-scale experiments is presented in this thesis. In first section comparison between the results calculated by TNT explosion model and experimental data given by Kingery and Bulmash and also the experimental data given by Kinney and Graham is presented. In second section comparison between the results calculated by Quintiere/Dillon fire model and the experimental data given by Janssen is presented. The results of this project show that it is possible to learn about the behavior of the fire and explosion and expected performance of materials. The results of both the mathematical models are very near to experimental data given by Kingery and Bulmash in case of explosion model and the experimental data given by Janssen in case of fire model.
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Deep, Kusum
Diwan, Alka
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Maths)

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