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Authors: Gosain, Rohit
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: WEB c ITS" ie. WEB BASED INTEGRATED TESTING TOOL is project which keeps record di the project details, test cases, their results,.bugs, bugs responses etc. for the various projects developed by the different IBU of the NSEL (Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.) It helps the testers, which performs the testing on the project and keeps the record of their work on the project. It also helps the developers of various IBUS of the organization to put their responses corresponding to the bugs. it also helps the top level management of the orgatni atioii which keeps track of the performance of the software engineers. WEB@,ITT uses ORACLE 8i(ver. 8.I.7M.0) as its back end for storing the data and ASP (ver. 3.0) for the interfaces. My contribution to the project is at the Database Level and in making the DLL's of the functions. written in VB6. My work includes creating the ORACLE OBJECTS like tables, package specification, package body, making the DLL's of the functions which in turn called the functions in the packages, testing the entire functionality of the DEL's. Apart from the above writteui tools i.e. ORACLE 8i(ver. as its back end for storing the data and ASP (ver. 3.0) For the inlcrfticcs and V[36 for making DLL's, it uses Crystal - Reports 8.0 for MIS i.e. Management Information System..
Other Identifiers: M.Tech
Research Supervisor/ Guide: Mittal, R. C.
Indurkar, Vinay G.
metadata.dc.type: M.Tech Dessertation
Appears in Collections:MASTERS' THESES (Maths)

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